When a radical act of mercy and forgiveness serves as the climax of a film, the love it has for all its characters is apparent. When that act references Babette’s Feast, Chef, and Ratatouille, the love extends not only to the characters but to our enemies, our vocations, and our pets. Pig is a film that defies easy conventional descriptions, but its one constant is the love and mercy that permeates it. Part buddy road trip, part mystery, part comedy, part neo-noir, the blend of styles and genres come together around a fantastic performance from Nicolas Cage, whose commitment to what he loves at any personal sacrifice makes all the genres work. The gradual revelation of the blissful past makes the sins of the present harder to bear, but it also makes the merciful response to them all the more striking. — Evan Cogswell (2021)
Arts & Faith Lists:
2021 Ecumenical Jury